Human Resources | Technology | Strategy
Managing human resources is a central function within an organi-zation and its effective implementation involves combining the skills and knowledge of the human resource department with the expertise of line managers in other departments.
Royal Bull Consulting is a learning and Development firm in Nigeria, with offices in Abuja, Lagos, Port-Harcourt and Benin, and over 15years training management, extensive international experience and training management support.
We provide a comprehensive range of services to support the cost effective development of your people and your organisation. These services include: full training management-identification, sourcing, delivery and evaluation.

To deliver “internally consistent bundles” of HR solutions which impact on the viability of the organization’s context, culture and business strategy.

To effectively support HR professionals, administrators and organizations to define their mission, develop clear HR strategies, and become more knowledgeable of their businesses so they can contribute meaningfully to the organisation strategy
Executive Development
Changes in the competitive field, customer requirements, legisla-tion and employee needs, all demand a high level of agility and confidence in the boardroom.
At RoyalBull Consulting, we have developed an Executive Develop-ment Solutions designed to improve managerial behaviour and performance of executives by cultivating their mental abilities and inherent qualities through the acquisition and application of ad-vanced knowledge insights and skills. This is guaranteed to re-spond to the corporate leadership challenges of today and devel-op a pipeline of leaders for the future.
- Call to ask any question+234 817 602 1280

We deploy customized training programmes are designed and developed specifi-cally to meet the organizational needs and learning objectives of the public and private sectors. Our methodology identifies the training-related processes and pro-cedures that are necessary for maintaining a skilled workforce for state agencies and the private sector. Our solutions improve leadership capabilities. performance management, stress management, people management, customer service, and change management.
As the global workforce constantly evolves, there is persistent uncertainty in the market. As a result, employees must continually update knowledge and grow through both upskilling and reskilling programs.At RoyalBull Consulting, our Learning and Development (L&D) Strategy solution fo-cuses on the key benefit and impact of learning and development investment: im-proving people performance. It sets out the workforce capabilities, skills and com-petencies your organisation needs, and how they can be developed to ensure a sustainable and successful organisation.
It sets out the workforce capabilities, skills and com-petencies your organisation needs, and how they can be developed to ensure a sustainable and successful organisation.

Wanna Talk To Us?
ROYAL BULL CONSULTING has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet
- Identifies the learning and development value chain.
- Develops the skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours that will directly
support the strategy of your business.
- Creates robust links between business strategy and learning and development strategy.
- Develops the metrics to measure and evaluate the Return on investment(ROI)
from L&D investment.
- Provides the management information required to support the strategic impact of L&D investment
- Run L&D with the same business disciplines as larger organizations.

Our range of coaching services for individuals and teams focus on the development of behaviorally based leadership competences which will have a direct impact on the delivery of business results. We provide coaching as a primary development tool and in conjunction with an instructor-led course to reinforce learing. Our approach to coaching is customised to ensure the programme is de-veloped and designed to your exact specifications. Our programmes can vary in duration, mode and focus but are always committed to delivering improved performance in key individuals responsible for dellvering critical business results.Recent coaching programs include: Working with directors to agree and develop revised organisationstructures to meet changing business needs. Supporting board members in living new organizational values. Supporting a newly appointed senior manager with expandedresponsibilitles,4. One-to-one cooching to develop and deliver a new customer service process.

Research indicates that organisations undergo a major change approximately once every three years, whilst smaller changes are occur almost continually. There are no signs that this pace of change will slow down. Our Change management solutions deploys a systematic approach to dealing with the transition or transformation of an or- ganization's goals, processes or technologies. We design and im- plement strategies for effecting change, controlling change and helping people to adapt to change
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)is consumer driven (Semenov, 2005). The ever-increasing demands on ICT is requiring today’s enterprises to reduce network complexity and bottlenecks. while providing
better application and network response times. Our (ICT) solutions help you shape a winning IT strategy and expertly guides your IT and digital transformation initiatives from strategy to implementa-tion.
With a wider enterprise networking portfolio in the industry, RoyalBull Consulting offers end-to-end solutions that securely cover the complete ICT spectrum

Organisational Design
Recruitment and Selection
The management of people in organisations constantly raises questions
such as:
Who does what?
How should activities be grouped together?
What lines and means of communication need to be established?
How should people be helped to understand their roles in relation to the ob-
jectives of the organisation and the roles of their colleagues?
At RoyalBull Consulting, our organization design solutions involve the crea-
t on of roles, processes and structures to ensure that the organization’s
goals can be realized. We ensure the design, development and maintenanco
of a system of coordinated activities in which individuals and groups of people work cooperatively under leadership towards commonly understaod and accepted goals.
Retention Strategy, Succession
Planning and Talent Management.
Having the right talent. at the right time. is crucial to organisational perfor-
mance. Recruitment is a critical activity, not just for the HR team but also
for line managers who are increasingly involved in the selection process.
Today, many companies are finding it increasingly difficult to hire and
retain the right fit and quality of employees.
At RoyalBull Consulting, we have developed strategies to define organisa-
tional requirements, attract, and select candidates, at minimum cost to
satisfy the human resource needs of the organisation.
Our unique talent management strategy is more about creating and devel-
oping a pool of talented people, who are used to operating fiexibly,and
from which successors can be appointed or new roles filled. This ensures
that your organisation attracts,retains,motivates and develops the talent-
ed people it needs.
We help clients seek to identify and grow the capabilities of its next gener-
ation of leadership, assist in process development, selection, and guidance